Monday, May 18, 2009

Clean Water Projects

This summer I am working as an engineering intern with the Clean Water Projects division of HCJB Global. HCJB is an organization whose mission is to share the knowledge and love of Christ to the world through health care and media. The Clean Water Team is "committed to improving the health of rural communities through clean water and preventive health. [They] are also committed to Biblical values and community development principles." I am very excited to join them this summer!
This past semester, two of my classes were Environmental Engineering and Hydraulics Engineering. I found both classes very interesting and I hope that I will be able to apply some of what I learned to the work that I do this summer. It's hard to believe that in 12 days I will be on my way to Quito, Ecuador! I have two exams left before I head home to spend some time with my family. Then I will be on my way to South America!

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